About Me

Hello! My name is Lacey, and I am a physical therapist assistant, musician, and am oil obsessed! I love motivating people and feel like my calling is to be a healer- through my day job, through music, and through these amazing oils!

I discovered Young Living Essential Oils in Feb. 2014. I was working in a clinic where all the ladies were rubbing on these oils, putting them in their water, etc. I was curious about them, because I'm allergic to most products and medications, and was looking for natural alternatives. I got hooked on them right away, and they have changed my life!

Young Living Oils are therapeutic grade essential oils, and there are many natural products that Young Living makes with the oils as well (like fruit and veggie cleaner, household cleaner, etc.) Please ask me any and all questions that you have! I would love you to join me on this journey, to live your best life!


Website by Steep Turns Web Design, © 2015.