Essential Oils

Essential oils harness the power of nature for your health and improvement!

Fall Combo


Stole this recipe from my cousin- Diffusing Nutmeg, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, and a dash of Orange- what a delightful fall combo! And the side-effects from these oils is a nice pick-me-up!

Bugs B Gone!


So happy I have an all natural bug defense!! I ain't afraid of no Zika virus!! ..and it smells way better than nasty chemical ridden bug spray!

Release Your Anxiety


I've had to deal with a lot this week, and anxiety has been creeping in. I started feeling heavy, like I couldn't shake it all tonight. I inhaled this for a few minutes and said out loud all of the situations and negative emotions I needed to release, and literally feel like a weight has been lifted. It's amazing how the sense of smell works with the limbic system in your brain, this blend is a game changer for me!



I haven't eaten super healthy in the last couple years, mostly due to lack of while I'm working on that, I'm so happy for all of my amazing supplements! And with all the scares with mercury and PCB's in fish...I feel safer taking the supplement! OmegaGize combines 3 powerful ingredients-- fish oil, vitamin D 3, and CoQ10-- which promote healthy brain and nerve function, bone health, immune functions, etc. Young Living has the seed to seal guarantee and contains the purest omega 3 fish oil available. It is rigorously tested independently to ensure it surpasses worldwide standards for environmental pollutants.

The Sense of Smell


The sense of smell is the only one of the 5 senses directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, the emotional control center. So if you are dealing with anxiety, depression, fear, anger..or wanting to feel joy or a sense of well-being..diffusing or inhaling the oils is so powerful! Sometimes I can focus on thinking positive things, but still have a hard time really feeling it. The awesome thing about diffusing or inhaling my fav oil at the moment, Abundance is- on a day like today where my dreams seemed to be slipping, the oil can help me get my head back on straight. It's a blend of 8 oils including orange and ginger, which were used by ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. It also totally enhances laws of attraction. Things I want to feel right now, despite the day! Not sure how I lived this long without my oils!!!

Premium Starter Kit!


If you've been thinking about getting started with essential oils, the premium starter kit is 10% off again now through end of month! Lightning does strike twice!! The kit includes diffuser, 11 most popular oils, and some other goodies. Send me a message if you are interested or would like more info!

Sinus Relief


Woke up at 2am two nights ago with a sore throat and ear pain, took the first 3 oils in a veggie capsule and the 4th on bottoms of feet. Felt relief after first dose, now no sign of infection and switching to the allergy oils to keep those nasty sinus infections away! So nice to get immediate relief, with no side effects! Except for peppermint giving me more energy and focus!

Thieves Household Cleaner


Love my Thieves household cleaner so much! It is a green, ecologically friendly, plant-based cleaner containing essential oils. It is safe around children and pets, and is economical as well! As it is concentrated, one 14.4 oz bottle will give you 29 16 oz bottles of cleaning solution if you use the medium recommended dilution ratio. Smells good, too!

Pumpkin Pie


Diffusing 'Pumpkin Pie' combo of essential oils tonight, I suppose the piece of pumpkin pie I had at my grandparents today got me in the mood. 😉 Maybe it's the wrong season, lol, but what a comforting smell!

Kick up the Energy!


Tomorrow starts month 2 for me of my 'kick up the energy' and 'weight loss challenge.' I have lost 4.5 pounds so far, and to lose another 4.5 in May is my goal! Using these 3 oils twice a day (along with Ningxia and Nitro supplements) and ditching soda, coffee, and any kind of energy drink!

Sunday Funday!


Sunday Funday DIY- Just made some face serum for a co-worker that is dealing with some small rough patches on her face. 💛 my oils!



Multi-tasking in every way possible! Combining my 'weight loss trio' with 'allergy trio' in the same capsule! Love my oils!

Laundry Detergent!


Is your laundry detergent free from SLS, dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfumes, and optical brighteners? Love living chemical free with Young Living!

Refreshing Diffuser Combo


Just tried this diffuser combo for the first time called 'Refreshed' and the name is fitting! Perfect scent for a springy day! On top of smelling great and refreshing, some of the many aromatic benefits of Peppermint is purifying and stimulating the mind, the Lemon is invigorating, helps with retaining information, and purifies, and the Lime is stimulating and refreshing, helping with exhaustion and depression.

Protein Shakes


Wasn't sure how I'd feel about the taste, but I love this protein shake mix!! I love knowing that everything made by Young Living is all natural and made with the best ingredients! This is a comprehensive blend of protein supplement that combines a proprietary 5-Protein Blend, amino acids, and ancient peat and apple extract with 25 grams of protein per serving! Working on getting my muscles back!

Flu Defense!


Terrible flu going around the clinics, putting on this bad boy as my first line of defense! Rubbing on bottom of feet, diffusing, and taking in a vegetable capsule!



I have no idea how I have 70 essential oils and just now got this one for the first time?! So excited to try it! In recipes, diffusing, and running down the list of possible uses in my ref guide: dissolving cellulite, tightening skin and connective tissue..removing gum, wood stain, oil..helps one overcome exhaustion, listlessness..what a kick-a oil I've overlooked until now!



I have been really working hard on personal development the last few months, and this oil blend seems perfect for where I'm at right now. I want to inspire and motivate others! I want to help them achieve their dreams, as I am achieving mine! This oil helps with overcoming negative emotions while stimulating creativity, focus, motivation, and seizing initiative! Smells great too, with ginger, sage, sandalwood as well as a few other oils! This is next up in my diffuser necklace!



This oil blend is supposed to help enhance laws of has orange and ginger as well as others (used in ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace) and wow! Really powerful things happen in my life when I inhale this one, or use it in my diffuser necklace. Why? The sense of smell is the only one of our five senses directly linked to the limbic line of the brain (The emotional control center. The limbic system is connected to parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance.) So that is why you can experience physiological and psychological effects when inhaling the oils!

Stress Away!


Stress Away was the first essential oil I ever tried. I had gotten assaulted in the head by a patient at a clinical, and had to continue working with him so I wouldn't get marked down. I took a step away for a moment, and a co-worker told me to smell the Stress Away for a minute and then roll some on my wrists. I was actually able to keep my cool and finish the treatment. Although it is still a fav, I made a roll-on today that is like Stress Away x 5. We lovingly refer to this recipe as 'liquid Xanax.' I needed to kick it up a notch for my current job stress! Loving this new recipe already..

Valor and Young Living


So why do I use these oils anyways? Because my body hates medications, household cleaners, and many topical products-and I want to use something my body likes! I want to know where the things I purchase come from, and the process in which they are made! This oil Valor is out of stock half the time, because it is amazing and in high demand, and because Young Living isn't going to use a bad crop just to keep money coming in. So I stock up when I can! I use it for relief from tmj, neck pain, for emotional strength, and I've used it on my friends who snore with great success, and for many other things! I have friends who put it on their kids who have attention issues.

Why do I choose Young Living? A million reasons, but one is that we give back. We have an academy in Ecuador that provides the kids things like food and supplies, as well as a good education. Why am I on the team I'm on? Because we give back as well, raising money to build a classroom and donating supplies this last year. Because we have a wonderful sense of community. We have many group pages, and an amazing support system. Because in the next 2 years I can choose to be a stay-at-home cat mom/musician and do something I know is helping others and that I love doing!

Peace & Calming


One of my favorite oils, love this oil for sleep, stress, and on my tmj for teeth grinding! My friends also use it for calming overactive children or helping them sleep, or put behind overactive dogs ears to calm them. About to use this guy in a few as I get ready for bed!

Stress Away and Deep Relief


So maybe I've been hoarding my oils a little, but these guys keep going out of stock! Stress Away for you know, stress..and Deep Relief for CrossFit! And also for the general usual pain in my neck. Kitty is showing her approval for all oils in the background.

Ningxia Zyng!


I'm so excited about this new all natural hydrating energy drink! I've been waiting forever for a healthy alternative! It includes ingredients such as wolfberry, lime, and black pepper. Not sweet tasting like most energy drinks. I used to be an energy drink 'enthusiast', even though I knew they weren't good for me. I felt like, hey..I'm working 2 jobs/working and going to school and I have to stay awake! Perfect Berry Rockstar was my fav. It contains 240mg caffeine in one can. 200mg at one time (400mg day) is what is considered "safe" (for adults). There are many other issues with the ingredients, and I would of course sometimes have more than one can. The last night that i drank a few energy drinks, I had crazy heart palpitations and nausea the entire next day. I mean, we know they are bad and yet you still hear about the young person who went into cardiac arrest from drinking energy drinks all day! Throw away the crap, and start replacing them with healthy alternatives! It's time to live your best life!

Scratchy Throat?


Throat feeling scratchy like I'm fighting something, lots of sick patients and co-workers right now. Taking these 3 gems in a vegetable capsule tonight! It's hard for me to remember what life was like before oils...

Lavender Oil


5 favorite uses for Lavender essential oil!
1. Helps soothe pain of minor burns and sunburn!
2. One of 3 oils I use to help relieve allergy symptoms!
3. Helps soothe dry, chapped, or irritated skin!
4. Tastes great in my Lavender Lemonade recipe!
5. Diffuse to promote relaxation, sleep, or stress relief!

Thieves Oil


5 Favorite uses for Thieves essential oil!
1. Rub a drop on bottom of feet or take internally to relieve cold/flu symptoms
2. Use a drop in my coconut oil for oil pulling (google it!)
3. Diffuse it to help kill mold and other airborne germs
4. Make own household cleaner to clean floors or counter tops
5. Use in cough drop recipe or add to water and gargle, apply in a compress over throat for relief

Highest Potential


Can you tell by how worn the label is that I don't go anywhere without it? Young Living Highest Potential essential oil has helped me so much the last month or so, really moving towards my #goals and dreams. Smells so amazing in the diffuser or just inhaling, especially in my diffusing necklace! A few of the oils this blend contains are Blue cypress, Frankincense, and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, so uplifting!

Stress Away, then Release!


What a month July was at well as moving, etc. Slathering myself in Stress Away before work, and again halfway through, makes an incredible difference! I also got a new oil, Release yesterday. I am an empath, and tend to bring the emotions of my patients home many days. I used Release for the first time last night, and wow. The combo of the 2 made me feel like a sane person today, despite no sleep and still carrying a crazy busy patient load. I love, love my essential oils!

Sore Muscles


I'm not an essential oils addict..I swear! I just like to make sure I don't run out of my favorites!
I use this one after the gym when my muscles are sore, and use it when I have back and neck pain. Ahh...relief!

Ningxia Nitro


My bedside table- because I'm too sleepy to get up in the morning, my Ningxia Nitro natural supplement to wake me up and then my Cedarwood and Peace and Calming essential oil to put me to sleep! I like to alternate sleep oils depending on my mood!

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